
Per Email konnt Lina Otto Knows ein Paar Fragen stellen!

1. Who or what was your inspiration for your single “Next to me”?
Life inspired me. That might sound "big" and like a cliche but u go through different stages in life and this is where i am right now

2. Do you think that “Next to me” will be more successful than “Million Voices”?
I don't know. u can never say if a record will be successful. They are so different as well.

3. Everywhere they talk about a “declaration of love” when they talk about your new single. Can you tell us something about this "Love”
Do they? For me I say everything that has to be said in the actual song. Then people have to use their imagination. I can just say that i stand for every single lyric in it

4. While we are on the Subject “love”: You’re young, attractive and successful. A lot of women surely adore you. Do you have a girlfriend or is it too difficult to find the one in the million?
Well thank u. Im single and I'm happy about that for now.

5. Do you enjoy the travelling from stage to stage in different countries or would you love to have more time for yourself or family and friends?
I have a perfect mix. Its really great to come home after a couple of weeks and just hang with friends.



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